Industry Verticals

Key Ratios Benchmarks for RESTAURANTS

We have identified five key ratios as particularly important for Restaurant Owners to monitor, project, and manage:

  • GROSS MARGIN Percent
  • Pre-Tax PROFIT Percent
  • CURRENT Ratio

Use the menu links to go to each Restaurants industry to see their ratios.

About The Key Ratios Benchmarks

The Restaurant verticals featured at the Business Strata-G site reflect the definitions and designations of the North American Industrial Classification System (NAICS).

The source data is Risk Management Association's Annual Statement Studies. As you may know, RMA collects financial statements from banks, and aggregates the findings for all industries. RMA presents their data in 3 sections: the Top Quartile, the Middle Quartiles, the Bottom Quartile, for five different ranges of annual sales volume. Our Key Ratios Benchmarks are based on the Middle Quartiles results.