When Your Clients Are Wondering...

"Am I Running This Business?
Or Is It Running Me?!" 

​30+ Years Of Consulting & Financial Analysis With Business Owners

(And we've survived!)

We know these Strata-G® Advisory Solutions can be difference-makers for business owners, especially in the hands of their accountants, bookkeepers, or trusted advisors.

Here's why.

We've spent decades providing strategic financial consulting services to independent business owners across North America.

Over the years, we have seen how accountants and financial professionals struggle to provide independent business owners with meaningful, forward-facing insight. (Even us slow learners have learned a lot from those owners!)

As a result, we developed the Strata:G pro forma P&L and integrated Cash Flow calculators for accountants, bookkeepers, and trusted advisors.

These approachable calculators have been built with the end-user in mind – that is, the business owner. The ones who need to make decisions that have considerable financial impact.

We’ve been in the field for years, using these sophisticated  – but not complicated! – financial modeling tools.

We helped small business owners understand their numbers, look ahead to compare outcomes of "What if...?" scenarios, and make informed business choices they have confidence in. 

We have proven their power and value. 

But there are only two of us, and thousands of business owners who need these insights await.

That's why we founded BusinessStrata-G.com, an online subscription service for accountants, bookkeepers, and trusted advisors.

The Strata:G approach – guided by a professional – enables many more business owners to see and compare financial impacts in advance, and decide for themselves what choices to make for their business. 

We welcome your participation in making this happen!

-- Pat Johnson & Dick Outcalt, Co-Founders, BusinessStrata-G.com 


 Principals, Outcalt & Johnson: Retail Strategists, LLC

 Co-Founders, The Retail Owners Institute®

STRATA:G® Advisory Solutions for Accountants, Bookkeepers, CPAs
Everything You Need to Bring the Power of Financial Modeling To Your Small Business Clients


STRATA:G® Advisory Solutions
A Turnkey Subscription Program


Join Us in Our Mission
The Friendly Strata:G Way To
Fresh Perspectives,
New Insights, And Timely
Business Decisions
With Business Owners



Our Mission

We want to multiply our impact by involving professionals best suited to help small businesses: accountants.

Here’s how we do that:

We Help Accountants Think Differently About Advisory

In the past, CPAs and accountants were behind-the- scenes running the numbers, keeping everything in compliance, and focused on taxes.  

But today, business owners want a “business advisor”. The problem is: you are not an expert in their business. You’re an expert in accounting.

See more about how Strata:G helps you add value to your client’s businesses, without the risk of subjective advice.

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We Equip Every Accountant To Provide CFO-Level Insights

Traditionally, accountants have been historians, and their tools and training have been focused on understanding what has happened in the past.  

But your clients need to focus on the future.  

Learn how Strata:G Toolkits make it easy for EVERY accountant to provide future-focused financial projections for their clients, in any industry.

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(See more)

We Unlock Revenue Channels For Accounting Firms

Too many accounting firms stop at preparing the P&L, while their business clients need projections of both the P&L and cash flow.

Those accountants are leaving money on the table because they haven't had the tools to do what their clients really need: provide relevant insights into how different decisions will affect their business.

Learn how Strata:G Toolkits can help you bring more value to your clients and charge more for your services.

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We Keep Good Businesses From Failing For Preventable Reasons

Every small business that fails, fails for the same reason: cash flow. Even profitable businesses fail because of cash flow issues.

With Strata:G, accountants can help their clients understand “What if...?” scenarios and make better decisions to prevent cash flow crunches.

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From Pat & Dick